What is your primary field of work in information technology?

If you do not work in an information technology field, what field of work do you work in?

Do you have experience with HTML?

Do you have experience with CSS?

Have you used a web development IDE?

If you have used an IDE, what IDE have you used: (Select all you have used.)

Are you enrolled in the Front-End Web Certification program?

Do you want to be enrolled in the Front-End Web Certification program?

What are your reasons for taking this course?

What skills do you want to have at the end of the course?

What specific topics would you like to cover during this course?

What other information would you like me to know about your learning objectives for this course?

Complete this sentence: "I am the student that ......"


Do you have a multiple screen setup?

Have you purchased the textbook for this class?

Have you installed Dreamweaver CC IDE?

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