ITI 353 HTML5 - Session II

Session Outline:

  • Chapter 2 - How to Code, Test and Validate a web page
  • Chapter 3 - How to use HTML to structure and web page
  • Student Exercise 1 - Chapter 3 - How to use HTML to structure and web page
  • Chapter 4 - How to use CSS to format the elements of a web page
  • Student Exercise 2 - Chapter 4

Student Exercise

Student Exercise 1

  • Chapter 3 - Exercise 3-1
  • 1. Complete Chapter 3 - Exercise 3-1, Page 120 using Dreamweaver.
  • 2. The Town_Hall directory listed in the book is now the root directory on your developmental site.
  • 3. The c3_content.txt file listed in the book for Exercise 3-1 is located in the txt folder on your developmental site.
  • 4. Students will upload files to live site.
  • 5. Students will preview in browser website files.
  • 4. Link to Chapter 3 - Exercise 3-1 Zip Files

Student Exercise 2

  • 1. Complete Exercise 4-1, page 164 using Dreamweaver.
  • 2. The basic.html file listed in Exercise 4-1 is located in the templates folder on your developmental site.
  • 3. Students will upload files to live site.
  • 4. Students will preview in browser website files.

Session II Support Links

ProfBurnett Web for Students Site: ITI 353: Fall 2018 CRN:25257

General Computer Files & Windows Skills

Keyboard Shorcuts

General Web Development Links

Wireframe Design Apps

Free Cloud Based


Free Web Design IDEs

Free Web Development IDEs

Downloadable DesktopWeb Development Apps

Cloud Based Web Development

Cloud-Based Web Development Sites

Online Website Builder Sites

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

CSS Links

CSS Minifiers

CSS Precompilers

CSS Postprocessors

CSS Tools

jQuery Links

jQuery Forms

Slideshows, Carousels, Graphic Plugins & Components

Calendar & Datepicker jQuery Plugins

JavaScript Minifiers

RWD Testing Emulators

Browser Plugin Apps

Imaging Programs

WSDL, SOAP, REST, & ODATA Introduction and Resources

Error processing SSI file

Colleges and Universities